Monday, March 14, 2005

MARCH "Holidays"

"There's magic of fighting battles beyond endurance - it's the magic of risking everything for a dream nobody sees but you."-Eddie "Scrap-Iron" Dupris

Sigh... This "hoilday" is awful. (I hate to say this, but I MUST tell the awful truth...) School is awful, awful and AWFUL!!!

Anyway, to some happenings. Last week, for PE, we learnt, a pollyanna-cum-cowboy-cum-country dance. In short, it's called A-line dancing. Think of what it would feel like, having a teacher laughing evily, telling you to skipped, shake you bums, with two other teachers around, watching, and telling you not to be self-couscoius. Teachers should join in the practise.

Sigh. Have quite a lot of projects and homework lately. UGH!!! Teachers seem to start pressurrizing us about 'O' levels already. Actually, they've been doing that since we were sec. 1, but they've gone further by giving us L1R5 results for progress report. UGH!!! Men does not live on 'O' level results alone.

Anyway, enough of school.

Hurrah... Watch an exceptionally heart-shattering and moving movie recently: "Million Dollar Baby." Really good movie. Very well-directed and the acting were amazing.

Also watched "Edward Scissorshand" last week. Another good movie.

Currently reading a good (pls pardon my lack of vocabulary) book. By author of "Goodnight Mr. Tom." Title of the book I'm reading is "A Little Love Song." One of those books where the main character (female) is "blind" throughout the middle of the book, and falls for a guy who deserves to have needles stuck into his eyes. Anyway, where I am, the female is finally waking up. Yeah. That's mainly it.


Blogger Geraldine Chia said...

yo ros... it's not offensive lah... dunno why u think so... :P

7:09 PM  

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