Friday, May 06, 2005

Just blogging...

"Act as if you were already the person you want most to be."
--Brian Tracy

I wanted to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea> that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.

Excerpt from "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

Ha... Have 2 quotes. Anyway, one is by Brian Tracy, a motivational speaker. The other is by someone who stole my heart. (Yes, I know I'm crazy because he's a ficticious character.) Anyway, I think it's by Atticus Finch.

Sigh... I'm going to blog my sorrows now. so...

If you don't like reading about my sorrows or school stuff, scroll until the words in bold before reading.

Anyway, ARGH!!! If I had access to a gun now, I'd blow my bloody brains out. ARGH!!! HOW?! TELL ME HOW?! WHAT TO DO? I'M GOING TO DIE. MY RESULTS LIKE S*** LIKE THAT. It's so horrible. My biology... sigh, when I saw it I also banged my head against the bloody, dirty table. (the table wasn't covered it blood, but it was seriously dirty. When I wiped it with my antiseptic wipe, ewww... the tissue turned black) Anyway, WHY??? WHY??? WHAT TO DO? ARHGGGG..... My A Maths was just as awful... It's so horrible, you know? You know? Not sure whether what I assume is true, but I think if my parents saw my results, they'd do the job of killing myself for me. AND MY ENGLISH SUMMARY TODAY WAS BADDDDDD...... DIE DIE DIEEEEEE!!!!

Sigh... No gun, so the other choices are limited to hanging, slashing my wrists, or jumping infront of cars. None seem appealing.

Oh. Okay. If I forget about results and maybe things here and there, school wasn't so bad today. The sec. 4 farewell party was so-so. But sigh... I did a pretty awful job. Gek Teng and Daphne did a lot. Anyway, I think it started off extremely messy. How they (sec 4s)weren't too disappointed. Anyway, halfway, I had to go for Interact Club meeting. When I returned, most people left already, but still had a rather nice time. Renuka started that "ice-throwing" thing. Had 2 or 3 people throwing ice down my back. So, yeah, for a while everybody was doing that. Later, made a "speech." It went something like this, "so yeah, I hope everybody will co-operate and work together. Thank you." It was to an audience of about 12 people. Oh. The food! Sadly only managed to drink a little 7-Up I think and some nutta de coco (no idea how to spell it) Not sure about how others feel. But I quite enjoyed myself.

That's about all for school. Does anyone have any idea how to put up those tag-board thing?

Nothing much to say. Oh. Watch "The Interpreter" quite recently. The plot's a little complicated, well that's in my opinion. There are many, many names. BUT... the acting is so darn good. Seriously.

Everyone's talking about Mother's Day. Haha... Wonder if Linda is going to ask my mother to bring her shopping to buy a Mother's Day present. (Note to Linda: See, your name is here) Sorry for the interruption. Linda just wanted to see her name on the screen.

So anyway, think I shall stop here. Have to go and study. (I know, some people are think "yeah right. OH! Check the sky! Are pigs flying?" That was lame, wasn't it? Damn, I'm getting lamer by the day.) Anyway, ciao to whoever perservered until here.
