Friday, June 08, 2007

Bay Ambassador training, bus trip and pic from Study Camp

Went for Bay Ambassador training this morning. One of the things we learned were:

Good day Singapore! Be prepared to scream and party!!!

I'm getting quite excited about being an usher at this year's NDP. Haha. It sounds like it's be challenging and fun.

The training was not too bad. A lot people were enthusiatic. There were some cheering and one of the groups even made bands for their group. Didn't get to meet everyone in my group today, but so far, everybody is friendly.

We were discussing what we should do in different scenarios today. Haha. The role-playing in the LT was funny. The groups that had to present were sporting. I just found out today that it can be quite daunting ushering the spectators on National Day. One of my group-mates was telling me about how she met an unreasonable man last year who spoiled her day. And the person-in-charge training us told us about a complain about one of the ushers last year.
We'll be going down to the parade ground next week to familiarise ourselves with the place. It's the first year the NDP will be held at Marina Bay! Sadly, I'm stationed outside the gallery. My group (O1) will be in charge of checking tickets. Ah! So, we might not get to watch the parade. Hopefully, we can watch at least one of the rehearsals. I can't wait to see what this year's NDP will be like. It's always so grand.

A picture of Group 6B from Study Camp! (That boy in blue is some extra person who steped in as I was taking the picture.)

Don't be fooled by their innocent smiles. They are far from innocent. They are bold and outspoken. Not at all like what my friends and I were in primary school. Haha.

Had econs lesson and Maths lecture yesterday. The Maths lecture can be summed up in three words: "Painful, painful, painful." Yes, it was painful on three different levels.

Painful physically. I can't think of anyone with a more jarring voice than that lecturer. (I have no idea who that lecturer is.) My ears were ringing with her voice even as I left the LT. Nanny Fine better watch out. That Maths lecturer is a strong competitor.

Painful intellectually. I realised how much I've forgotten. And checking the answer for the revision worksheet was a horrible process.

Painful emotionally. My blood boiled so many times throughout the lecture. Her constant, "Are you all listening?" when the answer was clear as day got on my nerves. It was a struggle for me to copy the answers at her speed too.

Fortunately, Ee Ting writes quickly. Haha.

Need to go now. Au revoir.


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