Monday, May 29, 2006

Post Chinese paper and watched X-Men

Pretty relieved now that the Chinese 'O' level paper is over.

After the paper, went to watch X-Men with Jacq, Lizzie, Kerri and Li Shan. The show was nothing spectacular. I think the first two were better. The dialouge in X-Men 3 was so predictable and cliche. Especially the "It's what you want." (by Angel) and "It's for you." (by Wolverine) Ugh... It's so annoying when they have scenes like that. And the whole show was so 'emo', everyone looked like they were close to tears all the time... even Wolverine!!! And what happened to Jean Grey?! She looked weird. But overall, it wasn't too bad, it was rather entertaining.

Anyway, after the show, walked around for a while. Jacq, Lizzie, Lishan and I spent about 45 mins wandering around in HMV. Then went home.

Will be going out again tmr. Haha... Think I might be getting my ears pierced.


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