Monday, October 31, 2005

Conversation on bus

Eek. It's so uncomfortable whenever an adult sitting next to you on the bus suddenly starts talking to you. No offence to anyone who likes to start a conversations with strangers sitting next to on the bus, but you must admit it's very awkward.

For example today, me got onto the bus after school. I sat next to a man, and took my book out of my bag to read. I had a bag with me that with some files and books that I left in school. Out of the blue he said, "Wah... A lot of books arh..." Not knowing what to do, I just smile, nod my head and said, "yeah."

And then he went on, "Sec 2?"
"No sec 3."
"Sec 4 next year?"
"Morning session?"
"Yeah. "
"Wah," (man looks at watch) "end so late?"
"No. Holidays. Came back for other things."
"So what you planning to do during holidays?"
"Read some books and study."
"Wah, good. Good school arh. TKG" A surprise, some people still think the school standard is not bad, I mean with the way people talking about how the school standard is dropping.
"I'm getting off here. I work in the restaurant ahead. Bye. Work hard ah."

Ugh. So uncomfortable. Don't you think it's so weird when they ask you ask you questions about school? And you reply, "yeah," "no, blah blah blah," yeah," "oh, uh, no." Think it's best to just smile, nod and say "yeah" when you're not sure what to reply.

Other than that, had a very good lunch today. Haha... Had pizza from The Pizza Place, chicken drumlets from Pizza Hut, chips, pepsi with Xiuqi, Jer, Simin and Shu Wei. Shu Wei was so funny. She was so fidgety and was going on about her Chinese Paper, and prancing around the canteen. Jer thinks it was captured on the school cameras.

Recently watched "Flightplan" and "Crying Out Love in the Centre of the World." Didn't think "Flightplan" was very good. Had a few loopholes. "Crying out Love" was quite good, teared a little. Hurrah. Managed to borrow "West Side Story" the musical, not the Taiwanese series. Can't wait to watch it.

Ugh... Must start studying soon.

Will watch less movies. Can hear people thinking yeah as if. Haha... True.

Will stop here. Ciao.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Never read reviews before watching movies...

Hurrah... The exams are over, but seriously dread getting back my results. Darn. Really think that I'm going to do badly.

Went to Plaza Sing. yesterday after school. Was suppose to go with for Sushi with the 2 Jacqs, Kerri and Lizzie, and I think Carissa, but ended up going to watch "Corpse Bride" instead. Jill decided to watch too. So watch the show together and after that ate and walked around. Haha.... Went into a shop called "Barang Barang" and tried on all the sunglasses and took pictures. Also went to Poh Kim. Was surprised that she watched those TV dramas too. Might go to her house to day to watch VCDs some time. Walked around until about 4, then went to buy ticket for "Into the Blue," she didn't want to watch bcos she thinks it's a thriller, and she's scared of thrillers or somethg like that.

I think the show was a little scary though. Nearly had a cardiac arrest watching the show. Everytime the people go under water without oxygen tanks, I keep thinking somethg is going to go wrong, and hold my breath too. Omg, the ending was the climax when everyone was killing one another. I nearly cut off the blood circulation in my hand. (Sadly had nobody else's hand to grip.)

Surprisingly I enjoyed "Into the Blue" more the "Corpse Bride" even though "into the blue" was fluff. Maybe bcos I had very low expecetations of "into the blue" when I went to watch it. "corpse bride" was interesting, but felt that the script was a bit weak.

Anyway, I have decided the for the rest of my life, I will never read reviews before watching a movie or show. It's makes me form an opinion of the show and I won't be fair to it. Read that "Paris When it Sizzles" bad. And now I do think it's a lousy show. There's absolutely no chemistry between the leads and the thinks that happen are silly. But not sure if it's bcos I read the reviews and I notice them more, or I really think so.

And I read a review for a TV drama yesterday, and even though said "SPOILER" in BIG BOLD LETTERS, I read on and discovered very shocking facts. Fortunately it's nothing much, just the ending.

Hmmm.... feel a bit aimless now. Ugh...

Anyway, shall enjoy myself as much as possible until the results come back.
