Monday, May 29, 2006

Post Chinese paper and watched X-Men

Pretty relieved now that the Chinese 'O' level paper is over.

After the paper, went to watch X-Men with Jacq, Lizzie, Kerri and Li Shan. The show was nothing spectacular. I think the first two were better. The dialouge in X-Men 3 was so predictable and cliche. Especially the "It's what you want." (by Angel) and "It's for you." (by Wolverine) Ugh... It's so annoying when they have scenes like that. And the whole show was so 'emo', everyone looked like they were close to tears all the time... even Wolverine!!! And what happened to Jean Grey?! She looked weird. But overall, it wasn't too bad, it was rather entertaining.

Anyway, after the show, walked around for a while. Jacq, Lizzie, Lishan and I spent about 45 mins wandering around in HMV. Then went home.

Will be going out again tmr. Haha... Think I might be getting my ears pierced.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

After the mid-years

Just realised that I last updated on the 31 of Jan, which is a very long time ago. Was supposed to update last Wed but was too lazy. ANyway, quite a fair bit happened recently.

Last Wed: The Mid-years finally ended, and Jacq and Lizzie came to my house. It was quite fun, watch "Walk the Line." Jerraine was there too, and she was crazy. She screamed at the part Johnny Cash proposed to June Carter. And Jacq left her socks on the floor and stank the whole place up.

Thurs: Went out with Kiran, Melissa and Naqiah, and Renee.
I can't believe I watch "Aquamarine". We were supposed to watch "Take the Lead" but they didn't have a screening, so we ended up watching "Aquamarine". It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but the show was very corny. I burst out laughing at the part, Aquamarine's (the mermaid's name) legs turned into a tail when she fell into the water. That part was so... corny, and Kiran kept telling me to stop it.

Kiran, Melissa, Naqiah and I were the only ones in the cinema, except for this guy, who sat all by himself at the back of the cinema. Can you believe it, a guy all by himself, watching "Aquamarine". Eek.

Fri: nothing, went to school and watched a movie.
After school, I went to Tampines. In the cinema, there was this woman with her daughter who won't stop talking. And when I asked them to lower their volume, the woman said, "what? What's wrong, we're just talking, we're not even shouting." That bloody woman is the most annoying pig I've ever met. She's not even shouting and her voice is so bloody resounding. And she asked me to move. And she and her daughter chewed so bloody loudly- they chew with their mouths wide open. And when her daughter (who was sitting next to me isn't eating or talking, she'd make this funny throat noisy, she wasn't clearing her throat, she'd jsut make this rumbling noises in her throat. They were so BLOODY ANNOYING!!!

Sat: Nothing, tuition and lessons.

Sun: Went out.
Went out with my parents, sister and cousin. Didn't really do anything, jsut shopping and eating.

That's all. Ugh. Suddenly feel very aimless and don't feel like studying at all. Blah.

Will try to go and study now. Ciao.
