Friday, June 24, 2005

Backfrom Australia...

"If you know you are going to fail, then fail gloriously!" –Cate Blancett

Came back from Australia yesterday. The trip was okay, but had one horrible experience there. Shall recount that awful incident now.

On the second last day I think, I was out with my family, and as usual, I needed to go the toilet. So at the bus interchange, I looked for a loo. I saw one, but there was someone inside. So I looked around for another one but was unsuccessful. (That was another, but it was out of order.) So later, my mother told me to just go back and wait. Just about 30 to 45 sec of waiting, the door opened and, of course, I felt happy and relief, and was about to smile and the person coming out. But before I could even twitch my mouth... Guess what she said.

"GOD!!! You're rude. For god's sake, I was only in there for a minute, you didn't have to bang the on the door." And, of course, I was shock. I didn't even know what the bloody hell she was talking about. (she was such a ydoolb hctib.)

Honestly, I thought she was the rude one, because:
a) What made her so sure it was me, just because I was there, doesn't mean I "'banged' on the door," unless she has x-ray vision.

I wish I had taken a picture of her, and I would splash it all over the internet and insult her or something. Sheesh, I sound like a bloody eejit.

Anyway, think that most of the people there are really friendly.

There are really a lot of pastry shops there. Ate pastry almost everyday. one day it's apple turnover, the next chicken pie, etc.

Anyway, have to stop now. Ciao.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Tag board.

I think I finally got the tag-board to apppear. So delighted. Anyway, it's all the way at the bottom, so scroll down and tag something there. Have to go.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Hurrah...Braces have been taken off...

I thought I was going to have a normal checkup at the dentist, when she suddenly told me, "your teeth are firm now. You can take it off today." HAH!!! Imagine my surprise.

What a wonderful world.
Suddenly the world's such a perfect place.

Can't stop runningmy tongue over my teeth. Yayayaya...

Want to run around and smile at the whole world. Oh, the joy having no braces!

Shall try to put up a picture of my bracesless smile.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

All Good Things Must Come To An End...

"When looking back, usually I'm more sorry for the things Ididn't do than for the things I shouldn't have done."--Malcolm Forbes

A sharp tongue and a dull mind are usually found in the same head.~Unknown~

Think this is going to be a pretty long entry. Have so much to say about OBS.

Sigh... Came back today from OBS yesterday. Feeling melancholic and blue. Can't believe 5 days passed so quickly. Wish I was back there. It was so fun. I WANT TO GO BACK TO OBS! Hope can join the overseas one.

Things were slightly different from the other OBS course. We were in residential this time. So, no pitching of tents and no cooking. Some time was put into teaching us about 'readership.' (leadership)

Learnt so much more about everybody.

Oh yeah! Managed to do jetty jump this time.

The instructors were so funny. They cracked all sorts of jokes. Everyone keeps saying that one of the instructors, PK looks like Ms Yong. To be honest, I didn't know who Ms Yong was until I saw her on the last day. And, yeah, I think she does look like Ms Yong. OH! Guess what, PK's surname is also Yong. Nobody believed her until she showed her file. Haha...

Oh. My watch this time is Holt. (When talking to Kim on the last day, she pointed out that we've been pronouncing it as "halt" which is wrong, it should be "HOlt" Your mouth must make an 'O' shape.)

On the last day, I left the beautiful island with devastation pulling me into the depths of depression. Sigh... Oh, why must all good things come to an end. (it's a bit overly-dramatic but...)Anyway, one of the intructors, Gene made a powerpoint presentation of the pictures he took over the 5 days. It was so nice. Teared a little.

When we reached back in mainland Singapore had to wait a while for the bus and teachers to arrive. Everyone had in mind almost the same idea as to why the teachers were late. However, later, only Mdm Lee turned up.

We decided to "steal" Gene's bag. Oh, he's a St. Pats boy. Anyway, think everyone wanted him to come back to the school with us, sadly, he did not. Anyway, when Mdm Lee arrived, she said she wanted our profiles which was in our files, and so we had to hand inour files. That resulted in a huge commotion. I mean, that file was with us for the 5 days, practically a part of us, a piece of OBS to bring back, a part of all that fun times, of the lessons. It's almost our life. (I think I'm exaggerating a little but anyway...)

Anyway, after reaching back in school, we handed in the files and were dismissed. Stayed back for a while longer. Talked to Kim for a while. She was her usual "realistic" (quoted from her) self. Later, Stephanie Tan came along and we all talked for a while.

Oh. Hurrah. Bought the "Warrior of Light" today. Would not have been made possible without the help of Desmond and Linda and the cashier at the Kinokuniya.

Shall stop now.
