Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Can't find my E Maths notebook. worried

I fight cynicism. It's too easy. It's really boring. It's much harder to be positive and see the wonder of everything. Cynicism is a bunch of people who aren't as talented as other people, knocking them because they make them feel even more untalented. -Ewan McGregor

My E Maths notebook is missing. HOW?! I'm going to die if I can't find it. Months of note-taking GONE!!! What am I going to do?! If it's really lost, I'm going to kill myself. Oh no....

Anyway, received progress report on Friday. Jacq was really nice to prevent me from getting too upset. Got the same L1R5 as her. I guess I'm okay with my results. Really wished I had done better for English and Lit- would have improved my L1R5.

Watched "Red Eye" with Jacq, Beverly, Lizzie, and Lizzie's sister, and Azaah on Thursday. The movie was so freaky. Omg. When Rachel McAdams pushed the pen into Cillian Murphy's throat, I nearly threw up. It was so sick. And I kept thinking that Cillian Murphy was going to stab the knife into Rachel McAdams's eyes. Jacq was laughing throughout the movie, and Beverly kept saying, "This is so stupid. He won't die." True though, he (Cillian Murphy) got stabbed, hit, rolled down the stairs and he didn't die. Oh. His eyes are so... amazing? It's like, really really light blue.

On Friday, had CCA after school. Got really angry with someone. The sec 3s are going to have a meeting when school reopens. Seriously dread it.

On Saturday... Went to school to help out with the play put up with Drama Club. The play was funny. Had fun helping out. Left earlier, around 2 to go for S&D class. THink I did better than last week. After S&D, went for tuition. Nothing much happened. Did circular measure.

Wen to watch a mime performance after tuition. It was quite nice. THere was this guy who was miming that he was playing basketball. He was sooooo... good. His movements were so realistic. The post-show reception was great. Had the honour of talking to the performers. They're so encouraging. There was a performer who is hearing-impaired, so someone helped to translate what people want to say to him in sign-language. Haha... The sign language skills learned for Mass signing came in useful. Actually, I only signed my name.

On Sunday. Went out in the morning with Dad and his youngest daughter. Haha... FEel so happy. Bought a new pair of shoes and slippers, and a pair of googles. So now, I don't need to borrow goggles. After going home studied. I seriously felt like strangling Linda that day. SHe played with my calculator and changed the mode from RAD to I think degree or something. Anyway, I kept getting the wrong answer and wasated 45 mins doing 1 quesetion. Argh... Went swimming in evening.

Hmmm... Went to Gerry's house to study yesterday. Did an okay amount of work. Though, think could have done more. But, oh well...

Oh. SUnday's newspaper said that gossiping actually helps to relieve stress. No wonder people gossip so often. And no wonder I suddenly become so interested in gossip. Haha... My excuse. But anyway, seriously I think I won't gossip. Realised that it's actually pretty stupid and a waste of time. Will find some other way to destress rather than talking about about somebody else's life.

Anyway, have to go study. FYEs coming, must mug mug mug. Ciao.


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