Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Turning into an auntie or granny....

If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain.

Always be yourself because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. -Jennifer Garner

Bah!!! Bhavna got me into trouble. She made me into a Gossip addict. Being a gossip addict is not a fun. Reasons:
1) Gossip brings nothing but trouble.
2) It isn't nice.
3) Gossip destroys. Gossip involves the mouth, which we all know is a mighty dangerous weapon. As my father always says, "A tongue six inches long, can kill a man six feet tall."For example...
4) I might start sourcing out for gossip. Ewww.... And then I'll become like Rita Skeeter or an auntie or granny. Ugh!

Actually, reasons 1) and 3) are about the same. And, as to how Bhavna caused me to become a gossip addict: She has a blog. Her blog is full of all sorts of what-word-to-use.... funny on-goings. Anyway, for not reason, I think it's... I-don't-know... amusing. Oh my gosh. I'm becoming the aunties and grannies that sit at markets and gossip because they have nothing to do. Oh noooo.... And I should be concentrating on FYEs.

Sigh... Was devastated earlier on. The ANNOYING new principal of Cedar Primary won't allow students in after a certain time. So irritating lah. I mean, like, what's her problem. And I couldn't get into the school. It's probably one of my last chances. Heard that the school is going to be demolished soon. And I have so many memories in that place. (Sheesh I getting all emotional) And the place that holds all that is going to be destroyed, gone! Many I should protest. (Impossible.)

Teachers' Day was okay. Morning- we did the ACES Day dance after assembly. It was alright. Wanted to move to the back of the roll. But no, Jacq wanted to be nearer the front. And we ended up very near the front. I think we were the third people.

After that was the class party, then the Teachers' Day performance. The video was so funny. Think Jacq was scared that what she did during Zany Green Parade would appear. Sigh... wonder why the teachers' entrence was not as outrageous as last years'. Oh yeah... the emcees were very funny.

After school ended, wanted to go the CPS, but as you know... Meet Xingyi, Qianhui, Sujun, Yinghui, Vanessa. Vanessa left first. Since we couldn't go into the school, went to Qianhui's house first, then went to Bugis. (Ran into Abby there.) I left immediately after taking neoprints.

Hurrah! "Be With Me" is going to open next week, can't wait to watch it. And "Cinderella Man" opening soon. Can't wait to watch both movies. Also need to find a good time to sit down and read "Enduring Love." It sounds like a good book.

Can't wait to watch "Red Eye" tmr. It sounds interesting.

Have to go. Ciao.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Zany Green Parade

Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting that they won’t. –Jennifer Garner

Fashions have done more harm than revolutions.
-Victor Hugo

Zany Green Parade-cum-Cross Country was very fun yesterday. Took quite a lot of pictures. 3e9 won the Zany Green Parade! Hurrah... I liked our costumes. Our class theme was bathroom. I liked our costumes. I thought I looked like Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother. Nissa and Phoebe dressed up as shampoo bottles. They were so funny, they went "Oh Yes! Yes! Yes!" when we said "Herbal! Essence!" And Ms Terry was laughing so hard. LIke our cheer a lot (even though I dreaded the dance.)

Before the Parade, seven of us from 3/9 (suppose to be 10, but that's not the point) ran in the cross country. Would say I did okay, though not in the top few. Hope can run again next year. Haha... Around the end, there was this guy running in the next lane, and I was trying to outrun him.

After the parade, had nothing much to do. Walked around, talked to people, took pictures. Oh yeah! Was talking to Jacq and Kerri, and Kerri's nose suddenly started bleeding. Omg. I was so shocked. It's like, she's talking, and all of a sudden, blood starts dripping out, and she goes, "Oh s***, my nose's bleeding." Omg. It's really scary. So glad I didn't start panicking. Jacq took a shot of Kerri.

After prize-giving, we were dismissed. Supposed to do the cheer for Mrs. Chan, but not sure why we didn't do it in the end. Wasn't sure of how to leave, luckily I got to tag along with Caryl, Yu xuan and Kathleen. They were really nice. On the way to the underground, ran into Hoon Suan and her friend. They were soooo funny. They kept kind of whining and going on about how they wished they could cycle, ride a horse, etc.

After ZGP-cum-CC, went for extra S&D lesson. Hahaha... It was really really really funny and freakyyesterday. Let me tell you why.... I needed to go to the loo. And it was night-time, so the whole place looks super freaky, plus the main light in the hall was off. So, Simbian, Bernice, and Li Hui offered to come with me. (They were really, really nice, I mean, it was so scary and they still came with me...) So as I was in the loo, I could hear them talking, and suddenly Simbian says somethg about seeing somethg. Then when I came out, they looked scared, and I went, "What?! What?!" with a note of panic in my voice. Then suddenly, (not sure if it was me) one of us starts screaming. And everyone else started screaming, and we all ran back to the classroom. OMG! I was (as usual) so scared. I mean it was so dark. Back in the classroom, Simbian tried to tell us from her pov what happened. But we wouldn't let her. Kept screaming before she could start. Quite poorthing. She looked the most freaked out. I asked her if she okay, and she said no. (Christabelle was so brave. She still went to the toilet to change. She went ALONE.) Ms Gracie scared us all when she suddenly appeared at the door. (as usual everyone screamed.) ANyway, after that we all left. Everyone called their parents to pick them up. Ms Evelyn said no screaming as we are leaving.

Today. Not satisfied with the what I did. Did so little. Argh... I did so badly during S&D today, and have no idea why. Just can't seem to get the pitches right. I sound funny and choppy, and it's so irritating. Argh... Maths tuition was okay. At least I manage to clear some stuff up. After that went to Serangoon to swim.

Have to go to bed now. Ciao.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


The Lake Isle of Innisfree
William Butler Yeats

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,

And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.

Was feeling extrreeeemmmeely happy last night when I found out during checkup that my blood pressure was 100/70. YES! I'm healthy. Was so worried that will be told that my BP is high.

Was hanging out with 2 "riff-raffs" (Jacq and Kerri) yesterday. During lunch, Jacq and Kerri were practically having a food fight, after that Kerri "stalked" Jacq and scared her as her was leaving the classroom. Expression on Jacq's face was priceless. We were supposed to be studying in the library, but throughout the 2 hours, the 2 of them were unable to stop laughing for even 3 minutes. Yes, they're mad. My prediction was correct too. Jacq said, "I'm not leaving till I finish my homework." (She can be pretty ambitious at times) And I told Kerri, "She'll be staying overnight in the school." And I was correct. Jacq should have stayed in the school, but she left anyway.

Was annoying Simin this morning. Was looking through all her physics note and trying to do the questions, and claiming that I know Newton's laws. I do. 1) For every action, there is a reaction. Or something like that. THe other two slipped my mind. Blah... She's going to edit my writeup for the yearbook, and she's going to takeaway my favourite sentence and tribute to the sec 4s out of the yearbook.

Stayed back to learn dance for Zany Day Parade today. It was bad, not the dance I mean. I mean that horrible feeling I get when I have to dance. I was left badly traumatized after I was once told, "Roslyn, you dance like R2D2." I haven't fully gotten over the shock.

Anyway, was feeling a little blue, so cleaned the classroom a little.

After that, had to go for Interact. Nearly died from a cardiac arrest today, but shall not rant about that. The drama club is working with interact club to put up a play to raise money for a children's home. Some children from the home came today. They were so adorable. During the practise, there are some parts where there have the room has to black out for a while. When that happened. They screaammmed. As really high-pitched scream.

Which reminds me. I want to watch "The Shining." It sounds like a really good movie. It sounds really scary. Dad didn't even manage to finish the movie bcos it was so scary. Haha... I also want to watch "12 Storeys." Am so devastated. Have not been able to watch "Willy Wonka" Practically everyone has watched it, EXCEPT me. Ahhh.....

OHHH NOOO!!! Time passes to fast. Can't believed it's nearly end of the year already. Only about 6 more weeks left to the FYEs. Ahhh....

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Rattling my head off...

"If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." - Steve Jobs

Sigh. Feeling unhappy right now. Wish I could scream and scream till my voice box or lungs burst. Do you think it'll be better than slashing your wrist. Feel like killing myself. (Oh no. I'm harbouring suicidal thoughts.) But, how can I not? Agh.... How can I do so badly for English? Seriously. Argh... It's so upsetting! AHHHHH...... Why? Why? Why? ahh.....

Monday, August 08, 2005

National Day...

"Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time,effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep anyrelationship flourishing and growing."Jim Rohn

"What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind/body can achieve."-I don't know who the person who said this is.

No idea why I'm using the first quote, anyway...

Today was quite an okay day. The school was celebrating National day and the sec 3s had involved in the mass signing had to go on stage to do the pledge and "Uniquely You" in sign language. I made a HUGE mistake while doing the pledge, did the sign for "united" instead of "to" at one part, after that I stumbled over everything. Gah...

And I forgot to bring the kebaya I borrowed from Naqiah. Felt so stupid. Wanted to bring to school then change into it, but left the bag at home. Agh....

Oh. I remembered something. Jacq said "shit!" when she was nearly right next to Ms Terry (vice-principal.) In the morning, an announcement was made for performers to go to the hall after assembly. I think a lot people (mass signing people) either did not hear it or didn't realise that they were included in "performers" so a lot didn't turn up, so Jacqueline asked Ms Hamidah if she should go and make another announcement. So Jacq and I went to the GO. At the GO, Ms Terry helped. Jacq was so nervous about making the annoucement, and I was so amused at her being nervous, we didn't realise that she said the wrong thing. She said, "This is Jacqueline, will the people involved in the mass signing pls go to the hall now. Thank you." It should only be the sec 3s involved. We realised that only after we left the GO. And we had to rush back. After she corrected it, she was so fustrated she said, "Shit!" with Ms Terry right behind her. Then we rushed out.

After that, nothing much. Wanted to retake NATFA 5 items to improve, but after seeing how strict Mdm Lee was with the sit-ups, decided to change my mind.

Anyway, got pretty angry this morning, right after assembly, luckily, forgot all about it. Really angry at 2 people.

Anyway, will stop here.
